We have been considering the factors and causes of class and classism in class and this made me think about how some of these factors play out in my own life. One of the influences on class is you're group of origin, and my group of origin is the North Shore suburbs of Chicago because that is where I have been growing up and my high school, New Trier High School feeds from most of the North Shore area. If you look up New Trier on
Urbandictionary.com the image attached is what comes up. New Trier is stereotyped as having all designer clothing and even outfits that "cost as much as some people's monthly salaries." Of course this is a stereotype and does not apply to the general population, but it is true that it applies to some New Trier students, and what does this mean for their group of origin? This means that there are many different factors that influence their class that come from the source of their class or their group of origin (the North Shore). One of the tell-tales of your class is the cultural aspect, or what tastes you are trained to like because of your social class. The specific tastes apparently for New Trier students are, "kate spade, louis vuitton, tiffany, and range rovers." Where another group mentioned that pertains to your class is the education you receive. That is also mentioned for New Trier students as it is said that you must have, "at LEAST two friends going to ivy league schools."
Now these are obviously stereotypes, but it is interesting to see how they are described as ,"rich bitches," so the class for most of the North Shore area would be the upper class or the rich, and many the factors contributing to class, such as education, and cultural tastes, are mentioned just like we discussed in class. I would guess that this person is definitely expressing strong upper classism, or prejudice against the upper class when they describe the New Trier district as, "a rich bitch bubble...too stuck up." It is classism for sure, however, I cannot be positive it is upper classism because I don't know what class this person is in to begin with.
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